Cardiff Crime stats for last year October 2018 to Sept 2019

Crimes recorded in the Cardiff area between October 2018 and September 2019 totalled 49,360
Of these crimes’ offenders sent to court were 2259 which is only 5.68% of which only 411 or 1.03% were sent to prison.
Burglary accounted for 4.65% of these crimes with 2,294 recorded.
Our home is supposed to be your castle so you need to ensure your home is as safe as possible to make thieves think twice.
More than 60% of burglaries gain access through unlocked doors and windows and two thirds of break in enter through the front or back door or ground floor window.
So, you need to ensure these are as secure as possible. One trend with thieves is known as lock snapping which involves snapping the lock cylinder in two, which then allows access into your home.
The locks most at risk from this are euro profile cylinder locks which are found in the majority of PVCu and composite doors installed over the last 10 years.
To reduce the threat all you need to do is upgrade your cylinders to one that meets the latest standards
Snap proof locks
These are:
1: SS312 Diamond Cylinders
2: TS007 3 Star Cylinder
3: 1Star Cylinder with 2 Star Furniture
An Anti-span lock is designed and tested to protect you from thief’s trying to beak two part locks. If you would like one fitted by a qualified locksmith such as Tonys Locksmiths of Cardiff then contact your local locksmith or look one one via if you do not live in Cardiff.