Total 70 Animals that were Ready to be Released by the End of March

Recently an opossum arrived who, taking refuge from the cold, was in the hood of a vehicle and could be rescued. “He was found with five babies. Fortunately, everyone was in very good health and that’s why his visit to the Center was quick, “says Johana. A week later he returned to his natural habitat along with another 70 animals that were ready to be released by the end of March.

However, not all return to their natural home. “Some of us are referred to other corporations because they are not typical of Bogota’s climate, others go to places like zoos and others stay with us,” Clara Lucia Sandoval tells Mongabay Latam.

This is the case of the lazy (Folivora), suffer from altitude sickness and therefore a city like Bogotá is not suitable for them is located at 2640 meters above sea level. That is why they are taken to the lowlands so they can continue their rehabilitation process.

The Wildlife Center of Bogota works hand in hand with entities of the departments of Antioquia and Caldas, and of the Caribbean coast and the eastern plains.

Most of the animals come from these last two regions and the peaks of delivery and seizures usually occur at Easter and in January, “after vacations when people move the animal to their home but then despair because they do not eat, behave badly or bites children, “says Johana Izquierdo

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