How does a burglar enter your house?

I am willing to bet that most of you have been a victim of break-ins at least once. Have you ever thought about why and what did you oversee that has allowed the burglars to gain access to your home?
This is why having a security system is crucially important as we are not perfect and we might make some mistakes. However, these mistakes can be reduced using a proper security system. There are many locksmiths that offer security systems such as Locksmith Cardiff Direct.
Let’s Start With A Fun Fact
Did you know most burglars don’t actually have to do anything to gain entry? Most burglars enter the home via most common entry points that are unlocked such as the garage door, front door, or back door. Generally doors and windows.
What does this show? This shows that burglars enter through an unlocked door. An average burglar does not need to produce signs of forced entry or breaking glass to enter your home.
Sometimes, the solution to a whole home security system is just – “Lock your Doors!”
Vulnerable Points In Your Home
There are a few points of entry that are favorites for burglars. These points are usually common entry points, which means they have a chance of being unlocked.
Here are some examples of vulnerable points in your home
Garage doors
Front door
Back door
Windows (Especially the first floor window)
Side door
So How Do They Enter Your Home?
Usually, burglars will study their victims for a while to get an opportunity to strike. Here are some ways burglars break in to your home.
Front Door
Front doors, people assume that is the safest place, yet it is never the case. Burglars are fully aware of owners having spare keys lying around, or if not, front door always has the most vulnerable locks because of the high usage and wear and tear.
These burglars will attempt to do lock snapping, lock picking or even forced entry to enter your home.
Usually, backdoors are always the second alternative for burglars as they will look for secondary doors to enter if the first one fails.
Backdoors should be as secured as the front door as it is a point of entry. A poorly secured backdoor is still the equivalent as not having a good front door lock.
Make sure to check for any unlocked doors at the back!
To those who love to keep their windows open, here’s the bad news – Do not keep your windows open at all times!
Most burglaries actually happen from windows, when the locked door couldn’t budge at all. Windows are also easier to break than doors as they are made of glass.
Tall Trees
Tall trees, especially climbable trees should also be noted by the homeowners as they are a potential point of entry for these burglars. These burglars might be able to climb the trees and access your home from a high point.
In some cases, trees like these can also be a “ladder” to access your home via the second-floor windows instead of an unlocked door.
Pet Doors
You might think this is crazy, but I assure you it’s true. Burglars that have a smaller body structure can enter through a pet doors to gain entry to your home.
This is why although it sounds crazy, be highly aware about your pet doors. Another alternative is to train your pet to alert you when someone is attempting to enter your home.
Ways To Stop These Burglars
Invest In Security systems
Investing in security systems such as CCTV, smart locks, or motion lights help you deter burglars as they cover grounds that are hard to spot. They also give out alerts when they sense motion, which is not very optimal for burglars to enter
Get a Guard Dog
A guard dog is a companion, a friend, and a security guard for your home. Guard dogs generally have a strong territorial sense and generally dislike people roaming around, especially unknown people.
Sometimes, a beware of dog sign might also be useful to give an empty scare towards burglars.
Remember to keep your doors locked is the best way to deter burglars. If you are staying in an area with a high crime rate, get full security systems to effectively deter burglars from entering.